We’re working hard to reduce storm overflows. See our recent Pathfinder Update to find out what actions we’re taking before 2025.

Beachbuoy displays near real-time storm release activity information relating to our coastal bathing waters. You can sign up for email notifications for your local bathing water, by clicking on the bathing water location pin and entering your details. For further information on how to use the map and how Beachbuoy works, please visit our Beachbuoy information page.

No release impacting bathing site Release to bathing site in last 72 hours Confirmed or possible impacting release in past 24 hours Site monitoring under maintenance
No release from outfall Release from outfall in last 72 hours Confirmed or possible release in past 24 hours Outfall monitoring under maintenance

Last updated at . Find out about how this map works and more.

Please note, we can’t make any safety or water quality recommendations as Beachbuoy is simply a reporting tool. The public are therefore advised to use their own discretion when entering the water.

Current and historical releases

To see all current and historical release activity, please click the button below.

View current and historical release table

Storm overflows

We’re committed to reducing storm overflows and have a dedicated Clean Rivers and Seas Task Force working hard to help us achieve this. The team are delivering Pathfinder projects across our region to learn how we can install innovative and sustainable solutions to prevent water getting into the network and causing storm overflows.

Want to know more about storm overflows and what we’re doing to reduce them? Please visit our storm overflow pages.

Beachbuoy Independent Review

We asked a group of independent experts to conduct an assessment of Beachbuoy’s ability to provide consistent, reliable and credible near real-time warnings of potential water quality impacts from storm overflow releases, and to provide a series of recommendations to improve the accuracy and user trustworthiness and confidence of the system.

We’re committed to acting on the recommendations and will incorporate them as both short and long-term goals for Beachbuoy – details on timeframes are outlined in report.

Before publication, time was given for the report to be reviewed by our stakeholder community – providing them with an opportunity to feedback and ask questions to the independent experts via individual sessions, email exchanges and our working group meeting. Minutes from the meeting can be found here: Beachbuoy WG January 31 2024 Minutes

We’re committed to acting on many of the recommendations as part of our new and improved Beachbuoy platform, which we’re looking forward to launching in spring 2024, complete with all inland outfalls and improved usability in features.

Water quality report

Modelling report

User and engagement report

Software and systems report

Overall report