Extra help and support

We understand that sometimes you may need a bit of additional assistance, especially in the event of a water shortage.

If you would like someone else to manage your water bills on your behalf please email us on [email protected] or call 0800 027 0800

Our range of priority services are designed to help. Find out more about the extra support we can offer below, as well as how to register for priority services.

How we communicate with you

We can send your bill or correspondence in large print or Braille, or provide a talking bill service, phoning you to tell you how much it is before posting it.

Your security

We can arrange for your bill to be sent to someone chosen by you. This may be helpful if you find it difficult to handle, read or understand your bill.

Help with your meter reading

If we supply your water and you find it difficult to reach and read your water meter, we can arrange for it to be read regularly – we can send you details of the readings.

If you'd like us to visit

Our employees are trained to offer friendly, helpful advice on anything to do with our water and wastewater services.

We can arrange for someone to visit you at home at a convenient time for advice on saving water, paying your bills and more.

Register with us online

To use any of the extra support described here, follow the link below to register for our priority services.

This is a confidential register for customers who have individual needs, and ensures our employees know about any special circumstances or needs you may have.

Register for priority services

Recognise genuine Southern Water employees

To make sure the person at the door genuinely represents Southern Water, follow our advice how to avoid bogus callers.