Small changes lead to big savings

family of three saving water


By saving a drop, you really can save a lot – something a family of three from Southampton discovered during a home visit with us recently.

When working parents and a young person share a home, with an already busy schedule of work and school, it can be tricky to think about ways to save water and money at the same time, even if it is a priority for them. So that’s where we come in with our free home visits scheme.

What we did

To make things easy for the family to use less in their daily lives, we took a trip to their home and got to know more about how they were using water.

With family members coming and going at different times, the bathroom seemed to be the most used room in the house, so our water-saving engineer got to work and fitted free products so this busy household could save water on the go. The toilets were converted to dual flush – saving two litres every time – and tap aerators were put in to make sure they’d waste less water when taps were turned on.

Our engineer also talked to the family about more simple steps to take to use less, which would add up to big savings, not only on their water bill, but on their energy bill too.

Now everyone can do their bit by making simple changes – like taking short showers instead of baths or fixing leaking taps.

The impact

Together, the water-efficient devices and small lifestyle changes helped this family dramatically reduce their water use by an incredible 46% - saving around £50 a year.

How it works

Once you apply for a home visit, we’ll be in touch to arrange an appointment.

During your visit our engineer will:
• talk to you about your water usage
• read your water meter (so you only pay for what you use)
• check your bathroom and kitchen
• fit free water-saving devices in your kitchen, bathroom and toilet – from shiny new showerheads to water butts in the garden.

Interested in signing up? Simple steps to saving water, money and reducing your carbon footprint are just a few clicks away.