Part 2: Keeping the taps flowing as normal throughout Covid-19

There is no denying that we are currently living through unprecedented times – okay, there have been previous pandemics, but not of this scale in most of our lifetimes.

Writes Dr Guy Franklin FRSPH CSci, Head of Water Quality and Compliance.

While everyone is staying at home and social distancing – how many are giving much thought to what goes on behind the scenes to keep tap water flowing?


Possibly a few more than before Covid-19 but still not that many – yet your water company will continue to supply wholesome drinking water straight to your taps just as before.

The water treatment process outlined in part 1 of this series continues and remains as stringent – although some working practices have had to change, the procedure has not.


How Southern Water is maintaining your water services during the COVID-19 outbreak

We wanted to let you know that, in line with government advice on COVID-19, we’re doing everything we can to protect our employees and customers, while making sure that we continue to supply you with water (and wastewater) services as usual.

Ways of working have already changed, and there may be further changes to come, but our mission remains the same – to keep our employees and customers safe and our services running.


Maintaining water quality
Ian McAulay, CEO of Southern Water, says: “I’d like to reassure you that you should use your water as normal. The Drinking Water Inspectorate’s statement, which can be read in full at, is as follows: “in the UK, drinking water supplies are routinely disinfected as part of the treatment process, and this process removes all harmful pathogens including viruses.  People should continue to use tap water as normal, including for drinking, hand washing, bathing, cooking, and cleaning teeth.”


Water workers are key workers
McAulay adds: We ask the public to remember that your water company workers are key workers too – if you see them out and about they are doing so to ensure tap water continues to flow and is safe.”

As an essential public service, maintaining water services to customers is vital. In keeping with government advice on COVID-19 Southern Water is taking all necessary steps to protect colleagues while keeping services running.

Teams will continue with all essential work: to operate sites, repair assets and continue with planned investments and will continue to provide drinking water.

The Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) was formed in 1990 to provide independent reassurance that water supplies in England and Wales are safe and drinking water quality is acceptable to consumers and this is their statement about Coronavirus and Drinking Water.

“In the UK, drinking water supplies are routinely disinfected as part of the treatment process, and this process removes all harmful pathogens including viruses. The coronavirus COVID-19 is thought to spread between people who are in close contact with one another, and all evidence from the spread of the virus shows that the drinking water supply is not a route for transmission of the virus.  People should continue to use tap water as normal, including for drinking, hand washing, bathing, cooking, and cleaning teeth.”

Only non-essential work such as internal property water meter reading and other household visits have stopped for now.

Next time you turn on the tap for a glass of water you may be interested to know that even during this time of Covid-19 outbreak, it has “passed through the care” of around 200 human beings; your water company workers.