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Margate Sewer Main Repair

Damage to one of our sewer mains has been found on farm land near Cliffs End, Thanet.

Wastewater flows are currently contained and there is no damage to the environment.

Update 01/11/2021 2100

Following the successful completion of a temporary repair to one of our sewers on farm land near Cliffs End, Thanet, we continue to work on a permanent repair, while maintaining our service to customers and preventing any harm to the environment. 

Having made the area around the damaged sewer main site resilient ahead of last week’s heavy rainfall, the environment was protected under challenging working conditions. We continue to make regular checks on site and at local pumping stations day and night to ensure we are maintaining our commitment to prioritise our service to customers and environment. We are pleased to confirm that our dedicated field teams, working in demanding weather conditions, were able to prevent effluent releases at Margate through the temporary repair, and the Environment has been protected. 

Tankers remain in place, as a precaution to help manage flows if needed, until the full repair is completed. One lane of the A256 remains closed adjacent to the site to safely facilitate this operation. We apologise for the continued disruption and thank people for their patience. 

Specialist teams are due back on site on Wednesday in order to continue to prepare for the pipe replacement needed to make a permanent repair. We continue to make good progress with our work but at this time we are not able to confirm when the work will be complete. 

We are in regular contact with the Environment Agency and Thanet District Council to keep them informed of our progress.



Response to Ramsgate protest

Anyone attending this event can be reassured that we are listening to what you have to say.

We are pleased that people are passionate about the environment and getting more involved with causes such as water quality.