Update; Burst Rising Main in Orient Road, Lancing

29/10/21 12.00hrs

We are pleased to conclude that the burst mains pipe in Orient Road, Lancing, was fully repaired last night.

Our priority today is to repair the surrounding excavation site and complete a final, full clean-up of the roads and pavements.

We are working with customers to ensure they are completely happy before we leave the area and thank them for their patience during this emergency work.

28/10/21 18.00hrs

The burst main in Orient Road, Lancing, has now been inspected by CCTV in the downstream direction to a distance of 100m, with some debris cleared but no further damage found. The upstream section is currently being undertaken.

Teams are hoping to start the final repair this evening and then a recharge of the pipe can also take place tonight. We wish to reassure customers that tankers will continue to maintain services to homes until we are sure the mains pipe can carry the flow as it should.

Further clean-up of the area was also done today, and this will continue until a final clean-up is undertaken after the repair is finished.

We thank local residents for their ongoing patience.

28/10/21 10.00hrs

Ongoing work to repair the burst main in Orient Road, Lancing is progressing well.

The excavation to access the burst pipe was carried out last night and we have reached and initially assessed the damage.

We are currently undertaking CCTV inspection of the pipe to check there is no additional damage before finalising the repair.

Some clean-up of the area was also done last night, and this will continue throughout the repairs.

We will ensure we are as considerate as possible to local residents with our ongoing work and clean-up and we thank them for their patience.

Until the repair is complete and we have reintroduced flows and tested the pipe, we will continue to use tankers to maintain our services to local customers, ensuring they can use their bathrooms and kitchens as normal.

Customer liaison representative will remain site to support those who need it until we are happy we can be away from the area completely.

27/10/21 19.00hrs

We are sorry for the continued disruption our ongoing work to repair the burst main in Orient Road, Lancing is causing for residents and road users.

We have now been able to start a clean-up of the area, where we have been able to remove the floodwater and we are working as quickly and quietly as possible to get as much clean-up completed tonight as we can. Our clean-up work will continue throughout the repairs.

We will ensure we are as considerate as possible to local residents with our ongoing work and we thank them for their patience.

Our repair team has been working hard on and off-site today to isolate the damaged pipe. It’s essential we stop the flow of water through the pipe before we start the repairs in order to protect the environment and ensure the repair can be carried out safely,

We continue to use tankers to maintain our services to local customers, ensuring they can use their bathrooms and kitchens as normal.

We will have a customer liaison representative on site again tomorrow. 

27/10/21 10.00hrs

Progress to repair the burst main at Orient Road overnight has not been a quick as we planned.

Crews were unable to completely empty the main line to allow repair to be undertaken safely.

We understand that this is causing disruption to residents and are working as quickly as possible to be away from the area.

As we continue to use tankers in the area to maintain services, our priority now is to identify the source of the water still entering the main. We thank people for their ongoing patience.

26/10/21 18.00hrs

Now that the pumping away of flood water is nearly finished, our teams can start excavating around the burst main in Orient Road. Once we have reached the pipe we can inspect and start a repair.

There will be traffic management in place on other roads in the area to support this as tankers carry on doing the crucial work of the sewer main, meaning properties can continue to use their services as normal while pumping stations are turned off and the main emptied.  

We apologise for the inconvenience to local road users and to residents of Orient Road, and we will work hard to minimise impact and complete works as quickly as possible – with a full clean-up undertaken after.

Customer representatives will remain onsite until early evening and return tomorrow morning to support any customers who need it.

26/10/21 11.00hrs

We have further tankers on their way to support with the burst rising main in Orient Road, Lancing.

Our efforts remain focused on reducing the water levels that are in the road, so that we can reach the burst pipe and start a repair, which we want to complete as soon as possible.

Burst mains can be as a result of ground movement or blockages and until we’ve accessed the pipe we cannot confirm the cause, however, our priority is maintaining services for local properties, preventing internal flooding and protecting the environment – we will update on progress when we can.

26/10/21 07.00hrs

We are continuing to work on a burst rising main in Orient Road, Lancing.

Our priority is to maintain services for local properties so that they can continue to use bathroom and kitchen facilities as normal this morning, while also preventing internal flooding to homes and protecting the environment. Then the burst main can be accessed and repaired.

We are sorry for the disruption caused to residents in the area overnight and this morning.

We have teams at site to support those who need us as we work as quickly and quietly as possible –   a full clean-up of the area will be then undertaken.


25/10/21 00.00hrs:

We are dealing with a burst rising main in Orient Road, Lancing.

We have tankers coming to the area to allow us to maintain services for local properties while we undertake the repair.

We are sorry for the disruption caused to residents as we work on these emergency repairs overnight – we will work as quickly and quietly as possible and then ensure a full clean-up of the area is undertaken.