Frequently asked questions

Check out our FAQs below for answers to some of the more frequently asked questions about our portal.

When I enter the Supply Point Identification Number (SPID), why doesn't the field auto-populate?

This may be because the SPID is not registered under Southern Water. Please check you have the correct wholesaler. Or the SPID has not been registered onto our internal systems. Please complete our retailer portal issues form.

Should I set up my own email inbox or use the UI inbox?

All emails sent by Southern Water will be sent to the email address registered on the two Schedule documents.

Will I receive a notification about a form I've submitted?

Yes, you will receive notification within 24 working hours of Southern Water receiving your submitted form. This notification will let you know whether or not your request has been accepted, rejected or requires more information.

Will I receive a notification when there is an action on us?

We will send an email notification should any further action be required to complete a request, i.e. accept a quote.

Will the notification come to our specified inbox or the UI one?

All emails will be sent to the email registered on the two Schedule documents.

If I call or email you for assistance, what reference number should I quote on the form to identify the quote?

Please quote the case number. If you don't have the case number, please quote the form ID number.

Does the 'Submitted Forms Folder' hold all of the submitted forms made by a retailer or just those submitted by the individual logging in?

The submitted folder shows all requests submitted by that retailer.

Can I submit requests in bulk? If so, how can I do this?

Currently, Southern Water can only accept requests through the retailer portal.

I am a new retail entrant to the market, how do I on-board with Southern Water?

Once you have your WSSL, please contact Martin Pope (Retailer Key Account Manager) at [email protected] to begin the on-boarding process.

How often will you be reporting on your performance with retailers?

We tailor both report and meeting frequency depending on the needs of the retailer and the number of SPIDS registered and/or service requests generated by that retailer.

What notifications do you use during incidents and unplanned events?

We follow the RWG Good Practice Guidelines for notifying retailers of incidents and unplanned events.

How do I submit a general enquiry?

Retailers can submit a general query using Market Form F/01.

Are you offering vacant or gap site incentive payments?

We are offering gap site incentive payments from April 2021.

Do you provide a meter reading service?

We do not currently offer a non-household meter reading service.

Do you allow accredited entities to operate in your area?

Retailers operating in Southern Water’s area can appoint an accredited entity to undertake temporary disconnections for non-payment and meter exchange activities.

Do you offer any Alternate Eligible Credit Support arrangements?

Yes, find out more about our Alternate Eligible Credit Support arrangements.