Consultation on the Test and Itchen river basin catchment

We held a preliminary consultation on our draft DWMP in September and October 2021. The purpose of the consultation was to gain feedback and advice from our customers and organisations on our developing Plan.

We specifically asked about:

  • Our Strategic Environmental Assessment Scoping Report
  • Our selection of wastewater systems to take forward into the Options Development and Appraisal stage of the DWMP in the first cycle, and
  • Our developing plans on each of the 11 river basin catchments.

Our report on the initial DWMP consultation is now available.

When we consulted on the developing plans for the Test and Itchen river basin catchment you told us that the key issues we needed to take into consideration were:

  • Engagement in the DWMP has helped engender a better understanding of the risks and issues.
  • Tidal ingress into surface water systems has not been looked at or addressed. With climate change, more and more sewer outfalls will be under sea level and will not be able to discharge effectively. This issue is likely to increase inland surface water flooding and there are already significant issues in the Millbrook system.
  • Millbrook has been identified as a regeneration area.
  • Lenham, and all systems that discharge into the Itchen Estuary, should be progressed.
  • Storm overflow releases must be reduced and the quality of effluent improved to help improve water quality.
  • Surface water and foul systems should be separated so partnership funding is needed to implement sustainable drainage systems.
  • Barriers between the engineering aspects and environmental concerns need to be broken down to develop ‘green’ plans and a strategic level, holistic view beyond SW infrastructure should be developed.

How we responded to the issues raised during the workshops and the preliminary public consultation is set out in our Register of Stakeholder Comments.

We held a full 12 week public consultation on the draft Regional (Level 1) DWMP between Monday 13 June and Monday 05 September 2022. Our Statement of Response to the issues raised is published on the home page of our website, and a report and analysis on the consultation is published on the Have your say page.