Water’s worth saving – every drop of it

This week is Water Saving Week, an annual event which helps raise awareness of the importance of saving water and shares handy hints and tips on how to save water, energy and money too.

But it’s not just us asking you to save water where you can. We’re doing our bit as well.

We’ve invested heavily in expanding our leak detection team, who are out and about across our region 24/7, finding and fixing leaks on our 14,000KM of water mains.

And our water-saving home visits programme has even been shortlisted for the Customer Initiative of the Year at the 2022 Water Industry Award.

What’s it all about?

From 2015 to July last year, we worked in partnership with water saving specialists, Aqualogic, to help our customers become more water efficient in their homes.

It’s a big part of our Target 100 programme, which aims to reduce average consumption of water to 100 litres per person, per day by 2040.

We offered all qualifying customers a free home visit by an Aqualogic engineer, who’d chat about how they used water, and our affordability support. The engineer would also check their taps, showers and toilets to look check for leaks and install water saving products where possible.

How did we do?

Overall, the programme was a resounding success.

We visited 31,440 properties against a target of 30,000. Our customer satisfaction scored 96%, with over 95% of customers completing the questionnaire.

And, most importantly, we exceeded our 65 litre target of water saving, achieving an average of over 72 litres.

What’s next?

This success enabled the team to secure more budget to continue the programme for the next five years.

So if you want some help saving water, saving money and get some free gadgets, find out more by clicking here.