Tackling Nitrates and Phosphates


“We welcome new targets published by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on nitrates and phosphates in sensitive waters.

Protecting the environment is a key priority for us.

Our CEO Ian McAulay holds regular conversations with key stakeholders and his Protect Our Harbours summit initiative has brought together all partners to ensure the future health of the water in Chichester and Langstone Harbours.

Our treatment works are a small contributor to the nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates in sensitive waters around our coast and we work hard to reduce to our impact. The wastewater we treat from more than 70 per cent of our customer base in the most sensitive areas already has nutrient removal.

We are investing £71.4 million to meet new phosphorous limits and have created a £5 million environment fund to tackle the effects of the chemicals which cause algal bloom damaging habitats.

We work closely with farmers to help them reduce their impact and we are exploring new technologies which will extract more nitrates and phosphates from treated wastewater.”