Response to no water on the Isle of Sheppey

15 July


We are extremely sorry to all our customers, businesses and other organisations on the Isle of
Sheppey who had their water supply interrupted.

We fully recognise the emotional and practical impacts this incident caused. Under our Guaranteed
Standards Scheme, all customers, businesses and other organisations affected will receive the
compensation due to them. Letters will be delivered next week detailing the amount of
compensation each will receive.

In thanks to the community for their support they have shown and in recognition of the distress we
have caused, we are also preparing a charitable donation to local groups and projects. We are extremely sorry to all our customers, businesses and other organisations on the Isle of
Sheppey who had their water supply interrupted.




Everyone affected by the Isle of Sheppey burst is back in supply, so our final bottled water station at Sports Direct will be closing at 6pm tonight.

If you still don't have water, call us on 0330 303 0368.

We’re really sorry again for the disruption caused over the last few days. We appreciate how difficult it’s been for everyone without water during this time.



Here’s an update on our bottled water stations:

Leysdown Bootfair, ME12 4LR - now closed

Tesco Bridge Road, ME12 1RH – closing at 12:30pm

Sports Direct, ME11 5JS - this will stay open during the afternoon


Spotted a leak in the street? Leaks can sometimes happen after a burst pipe like the one we’ve been dealing with. Report it here. (


We’re pleased to confirm that our data suggests that everyone on the Isle of Sheppey should now have water.

If you do not have water, please contact us on 0330 3030368.

As a precaution our bottled water stations will stay open for a little while longer and we are continuing to deliver water to those that need it most.

We’re truly sorry for the disruption and distress that this incident has caused.


Bottled water stations are now back open again for today.  

Most people should be back in supply, so this is just as a precaution.  

If you’re back in supply with low pressure or discolouration, don’t worry, it’s normal.


Water supply has been returned to the vast majority of our customers and the network is beginning to stabilise.

As a precaution only, we’re keeping our bottled water stations open today. They’ll be open from 7am and are located at Sports Direct - ME11 5JS, Tesco Bridge Road - ME12 1RH and Leysdown Bootfair - ME12 4LR.

We’re also going to continue delivering water to those that need it most, again, just as a precaution while things return to normal.

It’s not unusual to see an increased number of external leaks after an incident like this, so if you should see something, please let us know - Report a leak in a public place (

Discoloured water from your taps is normal after a supply interruption. This is usually temporary and disappears once the network settles.

If the water is cloudy and white try leaving it in a glass for a few minutes to see if it clears, this will be air trapped in the water as the pipes refilled.

If the water has a brown or black colour, run your tap for a few minutes and it should clear. If this doesn't work, turn the tap off, wait 20 minutes and try again. It’s fine to use your water as normal when your water runs clear. 

Sometimes after a network has been emptied air locks can occur either in our pipes or customers’ – running taps for a short while can help bring water through.

If you find that your neighbours have water and you don’t, or that your water is discoloured after 24-48 hours, please call us on 0330 303 0368.



14 July


Water should be back for most on the Isle of Sheppey.

Overnight, we hope the remaining homes will see supplies return. If you're still waiting for your water to come back, just check all your taps are off to avoid flooding.

We’re really sorry again for the disruption caused over the last few days.


The majority of the Isle of Sheppey should be back in supply, but our bottled water stations will stay open this evening until midnight, and back again tomorrow.

Please be assured, we’re keeping the sites open only as a precaution until we’re confident everyone is back in supply.



Most homes on the Isle of Sheppey should now have their water back.  

Are you noticing low pressure or discolouration to your supply? This is completely normal after a burst like this, and discoloured water should clear within 24-48 hours.  



As more homes see their water supplies returning, here’s some info on what to expect.

If you still need supplies, our bottled water collection points are still open.


It’s not unusual to see an increased number of leaks on our external network after an incident like this week’s one on the #IsleofSheppey.

If you spot something, please let us know. Reporting it is really quick and easy here.


We’re pleased to update that water supply has now returned to the vast majority of customers. Demand remains extremely high so customers may continue to see low pressure as the situation returns to normal. We are optimistic that the remaining properties will have supply in the next few hours.

We are continuing to support our customers and water bottle stations will stay open. 

It’s not unusual to see an increased number of external leaks after an incident like this, so if you should see something, please let us know -  Report a leak in a public place (



We’re pleased to confirm that while gradual, we are continuing to see increasing numbers of customers have their water return as water starts to flow through the network. Demand is obviously extremely high so customers will continue to see low pressure as the situation returns to normal.


We’re pleased to confirm that customers on the Isle of Sheppey should now be seeing their water supply returning. This will happen gradually over the morning depending on where you are located and which reservoir provides your supply. Demand is obviously extremely high so customers will continue to see low pressure as the situation returns to normal. 

Here's what else you can expect, and some advice:

  • Discoloured water from your taps is normal after a supply interruption. This is usually temporary and disappears once the network settles. 
  • If the water is cloudy and white try leaving it in a glass for a few minutes to see if it clears, this will be air trapped in the water as the pipes refilled. 
  • If the water has a brown or black colour, run your tap for few minutes and it should clear. If this doesn't work, turn the tap off, wait 20 minutes and try again. It’s fine to use your water as normal when your water runs clear. When your tap water is discoloured brown or black, avoid running hot water taps or using dishwashers, washing machines or any other appliances which use water. It’s ok to flush the loo. 
  • Sometimes after a network has been emptied air locks can occur either in our pipes or customers’ – running taps for a short while can help bring water through. 
  • If you find that your neighbours have water and you don’t, or that your water is discoloured after 24-48 hours, please call us on 0330 303 0368. 

Bottled water stations will continue to be open throughout the day – we’ll be regularly updating our website with times and locations.  

We’re very sorry again for the inconvenience and upset this incident has caused our customers. 


We’re aware of a video being shared on social media, showing what looks like a burst pipe underneath Sheppey bridge.

The Fire Service’s hose has split, causing a fountain of water.

We’d like to reassure you this isn’t to do with our network and is not affecting the Isle of Sheppey’s return to supply.


Customers on the Isle of Sheppey should start to see water returning.

This will happen gradually over the morning depending on where you live, and when you do have it back, there may be low pressure to start with while demand is high.

Here's what else you can expect:

Discoloured water – this is normal after a supply interruption, and is only temporary

If your water is cloudy, try leaving it in a glass for a few minutes to see if it clears

If you water is brown or black, run your tap for a few minutes

Bottled water stations will still be open throughout the day. We’re really sorry again for the disruption this has caused to our customers.



Recovery through the night has been going well, many will have now seen water returning to their taps. Our bottled water collection points will reopen again soon.

Although the Tesco site is the same, the other two locations have changed following discussions with partners, including emergency services, who felt these sites were more suitable.

Here are the details on when and where you can collect bottled water: 

Sports Direct  Neats Court Retail Park, ME11 5JS

Leysdown Bootfair  Leysdown Road ME12 4LR

Tesco  Bridge Road, Sheerness, ME12 1RH



Recovery through the night has been going well, many will have now seen water returning to their taps. Our bottled water collection points will reopen again soon.

Although the Tesco site is the same, the other two locations have changed following discussions with partners, including emergency services, who felt these sites were more suitable.

Sports Direct  Neats Court Retail Park, ME11 5JS

Leysdown Bootfair  Leysdown Road ME12 4LR

Tesco  Bridge Road, Sheerness, ME12 1RH


13 July


Our bottled water sites are now closed for the evening, reopening tomorrow at 7am.

Following discussions with partners, including the emergency services, we need to relocate the collection points in time to reopen at 7am.

We'll post information on the new locations at 5am.


Activity to recharge the network and get our customers on the Isle of Sheppey back in supply is progressing well. Customers that are fed by the Southdown reservoir will start to find that their supply slowly returns between now and the morning depending on where you are located. When you go to bed tonight, don’t forget to turn off your taps to avoid potential flooding should your supply return.

For those that receive water from the Kingsborough reservoir this will take a little longer but we anticipate it will start to return to our network within the next couple of hours.

Discoloured water from your taps is normal after a supply interruption. This is usually temporary and disappears once the network settles.

If the water is cloudy and white try leaving it in a glass for a few minutes to see if it clears, this will be air trapped in the water as the pipes refilled.

If the water has a brown or black colour, run your tap for few minutes and it should clear. If this doesn't work, turn the tap off, wait 20 minutes and try again. It’s fine to use your water as normal when your water runs clear. When your tap water is discoloured brown or black, avoid running hot water taps or using dishwashers, washing machines or any other appliances which use water. It’s ok to flush the loo.

Sometimes after a network has been emptied air locks can occur either in our pipes or customers’ – running taps for a short while can help bring water through.

If you find that your neighbours have water and you don’t, or that your water is discoloured after 24-48 hours, please call us on 0330 303 0368.

Bottled water stations will remain open throughout the day tomorrow, please see our website and social media channels for times and locations.

We’re very sorry again for the inconvenience and upset this incident has caused our customers.



We've been made aware that this post is being shared on social media.

It is NOT an official statement. It is not accurate and our plans are progressing well.

Only posts on our official channels will provide you with the most up-to-date information.


After completing the repair to the water main supplying the Isle of Sheppey, we’re now recharging the network slowly. This means that we are undertaking water quality testing and the reservoirs are slowly starting to fill. Providing things go according to plan, we hope to have customers back in supply late this evening.


Now the pipe has been repaired, we're slowly recharging the network. This protects water quality – and can take some time.

Here are the steps we're taking to get your water flowing again...


While we refill the network, here's where you can collect bottled water.

Promenade Long Stay Car Park, Leysdown-on-Sea, Sheerness, ME12 4QA
Tesco, Bridge Road, Sheerness, ME12 1RH
Minster Working Men’s Club, Union Rd, Minster-on-Sea, Sheerness ME12 2HW

The stations will be open until midnight, and back again at 7am tomorrow.

We know it’s hot and everyone needs water to stay hydrated and keep cool - we’re really sorry again for the disruption caused.



Repairs to the second Isle of Sheppey burst are now complete, and we’re slowly starting to refill the network. This must be done slowly to protect the quality of the water we’re sending back to taps and to prevent further bursts.  

We thank customers for their ongoing patience while we work to return supply as quickly as possible. 

If you’re leaving the house, check taps are turned off just in case your water comes back while you’re out.  
While we bring supplies back, you may notice discolouration to your water – this is completely normal, and water is ok to use as usual. 
Bottled water stations will remain open and continue to be re-stocked. 
We’re really sorry again for the disruption caused. 


Our bottled water collection sites are still open, however we’re currently waiting to re-stock supplies at Minster and Tesco. 


Bottles are still available at Promenade Car Park, ME12 4QA for those nearby.


We’re really sorry for the disruption.


We are extremely sorry that homes and businesses on the Isle of Sheppey are still without water as people woke up this morning – and the hot weather continues.

Our teams worked tirelessly to repair the burst main last night, and while the initial burst was fixed, when the network filled unfortunately another took place. Teams onsite are working to fix this as quickly as possible.

Our priority remains providing water to all those affected. Three bottled water stations are open and we are continuing to deliver to our priority services customers.

Thank you to the community for their understanding and patience during this difficult time, and to our partner agencies, including the emergency services, who are helping with this effort.


We fully appreciate the disruption this incident is causing our customers on the Isle of Sheppey, especially during the hot weather.

We’re currently working on the second burst that’s affecting supplies.

We’re really sorry for the disruption. You can pick up bottled water at the following points, and all three are now open until midnight. Promenade Long Stay Car Park, Tesco Bridge Road and Minster Working Men’s Club Union Road. 

We’ve restocked Tesco, and if you’re driving to any of them, please try and stay in cars so we can hand out water to everyone as quickly and safely as possible.



We’re really sorry again to everyone without water on the Isle of Sheppey. It’s taking longer than expected to bring supplies back, due to a second burst we’ve been dealing with overnight.

While we work as quickly as possible on repairs, here’s where you can get bottled water...

Now open:

Promenade Long Stay car park
Tesco, Bridge Road

A third one, open from 9am:

Minster Working Men’s Club, Union Road


We're really sorry to say we're still working on returning water back into supply. We have teams on site 24/7 to fix the issue.

We have bottled water stations open this morning.

From 7am:

Promenade Long Stay car park
Tesco, Bridge Road

And a further one, open from 9am:

Minster Working Men’s Club, Union Rd, Minster-on-Sea, Sheerness ME12 2HW

We're still delivering bottled water to those on our Priority Services Register, and also to those on the register who received water yesterday too.

If you, or anyone you know, should be on our Priority Services Register and needs a delivery, please call us on: 0330 3030368.

12 July


The network is slowly refilling, but this will take some time.

As a precaution, the bottled water collection point at Tesco will remain open until midnight and reopen at 7am tomorrow morning. The one at Promenade Long Stay car park will remain open through the night, closing at 7am tomorrow.

We’ll also be opening up another bottled water station at:

Minster Working Men’s Club, Union Rd, Minster-on-Sea, Sheerness ME12 2HW Open from 6am tomorrow morning

Again, we’re so sorry for the inconvenience caused.


We’ve fixed the burst pipe on the Isle of Sheppey and are slowly starting to refill the network. This is to protect the quality of the water we’re sending back to your taps.

Before going to bed, we encourage all customers who’ve been out of water to please check all the taps in the house are turned off, in case your water supply returns during the night.

However carefully we try to recharge the network, discoloured water is normal after a supply interruption.

It’s not harmful and will usually clear in 24-48hrs, but if anyone is still having problems after this, please call us on 0330 3030368.

As a precaution, we’ll be keeping the bottled water stations manned as follows:

  • Promenade Long Stay Car Park, Leysdown-on-Sea, Sheerness, ME12 4QA 
    Open through the night until 6am tomorrow
  • Tesco, Bridge Road, Sheerness, ME12 1RH
    Open until midnight tonight and reopening at 7am tomorrow
  • Minster working Man’s Club, Union Rd, Minster-on-Sea, Sheerness ME12 2HW
    Open from 6am tomorrow morning

We’re so sorry again for the inconvenience caused.


We are very sorry for the continued disruption caused to our customers on the Isle of Sheppey. We are working hard to return water supply as quickly as possible. 

There are two bottled water collection points now open: 

Promenade Long Stay Car Park, Leysdown-on-Sea, Sheerness, ME12 4QA  

HMP Standford Hill, Church Road, Eastchurch, Sheerness, ME12 4AA 

Further bottled water collection points are being set up as a matter of urgency - please don’t travel until these are confirmed as this could slow our response. 

Our priority continues to be ensuring that those on our priority service register have water delivered. If you or anyone you know needs extra support, or to register on the PSR please call 0330 3030368. 

The team are working to get the repair completed as quickly as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience caused by this incident. 


We are sorry to customers on the Isle of Sheppey who have had their water supply affected by our work on a burst main.  

A bottled water collection point is open at: Promenade Long Stay Car Park – Leysdown-on-Sea, Sheerness, ME12 4QA  

Further bottled water points are being set up as a matter of urgency - please don’t travel until these are confirmed as this could slow our response. 

Our priority continues to be that we ensure that those on our priority service register have water delivered. If you or anyone you know needs extra support, or to register on the PSR please call 0330 3030368. 

The team is working to get the repair completed as quickly as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience this situation will cause.



We are extremely sorry that homes and businesses on the Isle of Sheppey are seeing low water pressure or loss of supply. 

Last night we undertook some repair work on the primary water main which carries water to storage reservoirs on the island. The work required us to temporarily pause the water flow. Due to the hot weather there has also been exceptionally high demand so water storage levels are lower than normal.  

Our priority is to set up bottled water collection points. We’ll share where these are on our social media channels and website soon – please don’t travel until these are confirmed as this could slow our response. 

Yesterday, as a precautionary measure to some ongoing work, we delivered water to all customers on our priority service register. The council have notified us of some additional households and we will make further deliveries to those people today. 

The team are working to get the repair completed as quickly as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience this situation will cause. Further updates on bottled water collection points will be made available here or on our social media channels.