Our past apprentices – where are they now?

To mark National Apprenticeship Week, we caught up with two of our past apprentices, Lisa and Dean. Together, we looked back at their first steps into the world of work – and what they did next…

Here’s Lisa’s story…

Back in 2006, Lisa – Process Technician – started her career with us as an electrical apprenticeship, right after leaving school. Looking back, here’s what she had to say.

Earning while learning

I always wanted to build a career, rather than just get a job. I thought an apprenticeship was the perfect way to begin. I loved the idea of being paid while learning.

What I loved the most was the hands-on learning bit. Instead of studying the theory, I was putting it in practice and seeing it all coming together. This is the most effective way to learn, I think.

My roles through the years

When I joined Southern Water, I only knew the basics from my dad, who works in the company. As an apprentice, I quickly got to appreciate all the work that my operational colleagues do on the ground and what they deal with day-in, day-out. Best school ever!

I’m still an electrician now, carrying out tasks such as maintenance schedule on our assets or repairs to ensure we’re compliant. I still love it and I’m still learning, in a slightly different way.

Helping others

I’m also a mentor, helping other electrical apprentices. I know exactly what they’re going through, so I understand how they feel and what they need. And it’s great to be able to give something back.

Advice for others

An apprenticeship is a great opportunity to learn and take your first step into the working world. You’re given a real job, with a real salary and plenty of support to learn. I can’t recommend it enough.


To hear more from our apprentices, click here









 Dean, Real Time Strategy (RTS) Delivery Manager started his career with us as a Multi-Skilled Maintenance Technician.

What inspired you to join an apprenticeship?

I really wanted to be an engineer and an apprenticeship looked like the best way to get into the field. The fact I would be getting paid while I trained was also very appealing.

What did you love most about the apprenticeship?

I always really enjoyed working with the experienced technicians who had being doing the job for a very long time. There was never a problem they had not encountered before, so they always knew what to do and didn’t panic. I found being taught how to do things by actually getting my hands dirty and doing the job was the best method of learning for me, so the apprenticeship was perfect. Another benefit was the numerous college courses which complemented the practical side of the training very nicely.

How did your apprenticeship help you develop your career in the industry?

My experience working as an apprentice, and then a maintenance technician once I qualified, really did give me a solid understanding of how our treatment infrastructure works. This has really been the basic building block of my career and every role I have taken on since then has added another layer to my understanding of how the industry works.

What’s your current role, and what does it involve?

As the RTS Delivery Manager working in IT Services, my role involves managing a team who deliver operational technology replacement projects. We’re undertaking a number of these projects, but the main two we’re currently working on are the upgrading of control systems on our waste treatment and water supply sites and the replacement of telemetry outstations. Both of these will help to improve the way we supply and treat our water.

Have you got any advice for anyone thinking about applying for an apprenticeship in the industry?

Go for it! I found the experience immensely rewarding, I learned a trade and gained experience which ultimately let me forge a very interesting career at multiple levels of the company which has so far lasted 25 years.