Government Strategic Policy Statement on Water

Dr Toby Willison, Director of Environment & Corporate Affairs said:

“We welcome the Secretary of State’s Strategic Policy Statement.

Leadership shown by the government on this issue will help to create the right productive partnerships between water companies, regulators, agriculture, industry, developers and other crucial stakeholders. Thirty years ago, less than half the 83 bathing waters in Southern Water’s region met the basic standard of acceptable – today 80 are good or excellent and none are below acceptable. This proves that collaboration can produce huge change.

We are focused on improving the health of our Rivers and Seas. To do this we are investing £2 billion over the next five years. This will ensure we cut 80% of our pollution incidents by 2025 and 80% of storm overflows in our catchments by 2030.

On monitoring of storm releases, Southern Water is already well ahead with 98 per cent of outfalls measured and reported compared to the industry 80% average. We also provide near real-time information to customers on all our designated bathing waters as well as Chichester and Langstone Harbours.

With the launch of our own CSO Taskforce last November we are seeking to demonstrate leadership in the next big challenge laid down in the SPS – to reduce reliance on the storm system and protect the environment. We are already working in partnership with our local stakeholders across the South East to put more holistic, nature-based approaches at the heart of our mission to cut pollution.”