Three generations, one goal

Three generations, one goal
Three generations, one goal

When an extended family all share the same roof, attitudes to water vary widely. Everyone has different priorities and opinions about what is wasteful and how water is used in the home.

What we did

We visited the family’s home for free to suggest how they could use less water. With three generations coming and going, the kitchen and bathroom are regularly in use. Our water-saving engineers fitted
free water-saving devices so the family wastes less water every time they turn on the tap or shower.
Tap aerators were fitted, which add air into the flow of water, so that less water is wasted each time a tap is turned on. Shower regulators work in the same way and can also reduce energy usage too.

In addition, we shared water-saving tips to help every family member understand how their everyday habits impact the household’s water bills.

The impact

These free water-saving devices and small lifestyle changes have made a big difference to how much water the family uses. Since the visit, the family has reduced its water use by 21% and is saving £48 a year too!

Book your free water-saving home visit now!