Broadstairs Pumping Station Latest Update

08/10/21 - 12.30hrs Update:

Following the fault at our Broadstairs Pumping Station Tuesday morning, we are continuing to comb nearby beaches for any evidence of impact and clean-up if necessary.

We will continue to do this until we, the Environment Agency and Thanet District Council are satisfied no risk of environmental damage remains.

A full investigation is taking place to understand the cause of the fault.

Southern Water is passionately committed to the environment and part of this is being fully transparent about how we operate. We’re leading the way within the water industry with pollution reporting, and the Beachbouy Bathing Water Portal is part of this. We’re also very heavily invested in cutting pollution incidents, reducing them by 75% by 2025. In Thanet, this includes a first-of-its-kind surface water drainage survey for the area.

Across the Southern Water region, we’re investing £200 million a year for wastewater assets and environmental protection.

06/10/21 - 18.30hrs Update:

Following a fault with pumps at our Broadstairs Wastewater Pumping Station yesterday, we have continued to inspect 14 beaches in the area today.

No debris or signs of pollution relating to this release has been found at any of the sites today and we will continue with these beach walks up until and including Sunday as a minimum.

Modelling of the initial release and tides show the risk to bathing waters is low, but as a matter of precaution we are working with Thanet District Council and staying vigilant across the wide area to ensure changes in winds do not cause this to change.

We are continuing to work with the EA and the Local Authority to minimise impact on the environment.


05/10/21 - 19.45hrs Update:

Following a fault with pumps at our Broadstairs Wastewater Pumping Station this morning, the resulting wastewater release at Joss Bay was quickly stopped. Our focus this afternoon has been on ensuring the fault doesn’t reoccur and inspection of local beaches to identify, prevent and minimise any impact on the environment.

Nine beaches have been fully inspected and currently no sign of debris has been found.

We also wish to reassure customers that we’ve already committed to further ongoing inspections at all these beaches for at least five days, and longer if needed, with immediate clean-ups undertaken if required.

We are continuing to work with the EA and Thanet District Council to minimise any impact on the environment and provide accurate up to date information to customers. A full investigation will also be undertaken to understand the cause of the fault.

Southern Water is passionately committed to the environment and part of this is being fully transparent about how we operate. We’re leading the way within the water industry with pollution reporting, and the Beachbouy Bathing Water Portal is part of this. We’re also very heavily invested in cutting pollution incidents, reducing them by 75% by 2025. In Thanet, this includes a first-of-its-kind surface water drainage survey for the area.

Across the Southern Water region, we’re investing £200 million a year for wastewater assets and environmental protection.


05/10/21 - 14.45hrs:

As a result of storm damage, pumps at our Broadstairs Wastewater Pumping Station failed for a short period of time this morning.

To protect local properties from flooding, flows were diverted and a release made via a short sea outfall at Joss Bay.

We have responded quickly to restart pumps and stop the spill, getting the site back up and running.

No pollution is acceptable to us and we have plans in place to cut them by 75% by 2025 – including a £400K first of its kind wastewater network survey planned for Thanet.

Cleaning the beaches at Joss Bay, Botany Bay and Viking Bay is a matter of priority, and we are undertaking extensive modelling and working with the EA and Thanet District Council to minimise any impact on the environment.