Southern Water Announces Major Investment At Budds Farm Treatment Works


  • The work will improve services for customers and deliver environmental improvements
  • Investment is part of Southern Water’s drive to cut pollution incidents by 80 per cent over the next four years
  • Southern Water showcases investment at Budds Farm to Alan Mak MP and welcomes Environment Bill passing into law


Monday 15th November 2021: Southern Water last week welcomed Havant Member of Parliament Alan Mak to its Budds Farm wastewater treatment facility in Langstone Harbour to view the progress of its upgrade. 

An £18 million investment is part of Southern Water’s commitment to its customers and the environment. It will help meet the target of cutting pollution incidents by 80 per cent over the next four years.

Southern Water yesterday also welcomed the passing of the Environment Bill which will ensure that the Government, regulator and water companies work together at pace on tackling the issue of pollution and storm overflows.

Ian McAulay, Southern Water’s CEO, said: “I was pleased to welcome Alan to Budds Farm wastewater treatment works today to show him the progress we’re making to improve our wastewater treatment infrastructure. The south-east of England has a rapidly growing population, and we must ensure we can serve our customers and prepare for future growth by investing to ensure our assets are fit for future needs.

Alan Mak, Member of Parliament for Havant in Hampshire, said: “I’ve been campaigning for Southern Water to reduce unacceptable stormwater discharges into our harbours so I welcome this new investment that will make a tangible difference. It follows the Government’s Environment Bill that I supported, which for the first time places a direct legal duty on water companies to reduce stormwater discharges. There is still much more to do to ensure that stormwater releases are eliminated, and I’ll continue my campaigning to protect our harbours.”

Budds Farm Wastewater Treatment Works serves nearly 410,000 people living in and around Portsmouth, Havant and the wider area and treats almost 109 million litres of wastewater per day. Local contractors and businesses will be central to delivering this upgrade, with £12 million invested in storm tanks, pipework and infrastructure. This is part of Southern Water’s action to deliver for its customers by tackling pollution, storm overflows and ensuring the Company is prepared for future growth.

Much of the planned investment will be spent in line with the water industry’s national environment programme (WINEP) on increasing site capacity at Budds Farm to ensure it can cope with anticipated future volumes due to increased rainfall, growing urbanisation and population and other pressures including from the agriculture sector.

Southern Water is committed to protecting and improving water quality and natural habitats in the Langstone Harbour area. Earlier this year it hosted a multi-agency summit to coordinate a robust response to protecting water quality and conserving the precious natural habitats.