Mini water butts for National Gardening Week

It’s National Gardening Week and a great time to get your garden ready for summer, while save water and money too! 

One of the easiest ways to save is by installing a water butt to collect rainwater and use on plants. The average roof collects around 90,000 litres of rain a year - enough to fill around 450 water butts. 

We're calling on kids and their families across our region - Kent, Sussex, Hampshire and Isle of Wight - to get creative with making their very own mini water butt for the garden, because every little bit of rainwater saved can make a difference. 

Haven’t got a garden or balcony but want to get the kids involved? Not to worry – we’ve got that covered. Simply download our water butt drawing to colour in. Or you can simply use it for inspiration. 


Let’s get started
You will need: 

  • A large milk container and its lid. Four or six pints will do.
  • Strong garden twine or garden string
  • Scissors, decorations, paint brush, glue –  whatever you can get your hands on to decorate with.

Rinse milk container and remove label 

Carefully cut off the bottle base, close to the bottom. Ask an adult to help, if needed.

Decorate the bottle. Don’t forget the bottle will be fixed upside down and the lid will be at the bottom. 

Use the twine or string to securely attach the bottle to an outside fence, through the handle too and around lid base, with the lid on tight and facing downwards. 
Your mini-butt could get heavy with water. 

Then you watch your mini water butt fill up when it rains. When you need to water your plants, place a watering can below the lid and unscrew it carefully.