We’re looking after the environment and investing in the local community with work to expand our Horsham New Wastewater Treatment Works.

December 2022

We’re looking after the environment and investing in the local community with work to expand our Horsham New Wastewater Treatment Works.

River quality standards are getting stricter, and the Environment Agency has set tougher expectations around the quality of treated effluent – or wastewater – that is discharged back into the environment through our rivers and seas. As our population is growing here in the South East, we need to make sure we can continue to meet increasing demand for wastewater treatment, with as little impact on our precious local environment as possible.

We’re investing £28 million to expand the existing wastewater treatment works at our current site on the Southwater Bypass in Horsham. This upgrade to our facilities will improve efficiency and include new machinery, the replacement and refurbishment of existing equipment, and new control and monitoring systems.

A lot of hard work has gone into the planning of these works which started on site in September 2022 and will continue until the Autumn of 2024. There’ll be no visible alterations to the existing landscape that can currently be seen from the surrounding area or from the A24. We’ll be able to carry out these upgrades with little ecological impact on the surrounding environment, as the work is taking place on our existing site.

As much of our bill payers’ money as possible is being spent back in the community on this project. To carry out these works, where possible we’re sourcing local suppliers, from small and medium businesses within a 30 mile radius of the site, and two apprentices have been hired within the Sussex area so local people can gain skills for life.

As well as ensuring the quality of treated wastewater going back into the River Arun for years to come, through this project we plan to improve the landscape and wildlife habitat. We’re expecting a 9% gain in biodiversity on the site, helping supporting animals and plant life long into the future.


Senior Project Design Lead