Your water, your say

We recently submitted our Business Plan for 2025 to 2030 to our regulator, Ofwat for approval. Our record £7.8 billion Plan aims to deliver major improvements in water resilience, wastewater treatment, and customer service, as well as protection of our environment. 

It’s important our customers are able to view our plans and share their thoughts with us. That’s why we have hosted two ‘Your water, your say’ meetings. These sessions were hosted by the leaders of Southern Water who presented our Business Plan to our customers and were on hand to answer any questions they had.


Our sessions

Thank you to our customers that attended our first session in June and second in November. We were pleased to welcome a wide range of customers, community groups and stakeholders from across the region which helped inform the plan submitted to Ofwat.  

Download the slides from the November ‘Your water, you say’ meeting.

Download the slides from the June meeting and read our responses to all the questions received about our proposals.  


What about other water companies in the South?

We provide both water and wastewater services. However, some of our customers will receive services from Portsmouth Water, South East Water, SES Water, Affinity Water, Wessex Water and Thames Water.