Our Pollution Incident Reduction plan

The latest plan shows how we continue to move towards our goals and to reduce pollution incidents to zero by 2040.

This fourth plan shows the progress made in 2022 and what we have learnt about the root causes of pollutions, shaping our future activity.

Sources of cat 1-3 pollutions

The plan shows the activities planned for year four, focussing on three key areas:

  • Asset resilience - to keep our network strong to cope with adverse weather conditions
  • Three lines of defence - these are incident prevention, proactive interventions, and pollution response and asset recovery
  • Escape prevention - focusing on maintenance and cleaning of pipes.

The success of the pollution reduction actions will be measured using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) shown in the plan.

One of the highlights of the plan is the digitalisation of our wastewater networks, using sewer level monitors to predict blockages in pipes and stop pollutions from happening.

Pollution Incident Reduction Plan - 2023

The plan builds on previous pollution reduction programmes published in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Pollution Incident Reduction Plan - 2022

Pollution Incident Reduction Plan – 2021

Pollution Incident Reduction Plan – 2020


What can you do?

We are leading the sector in self reporting – this means our staff are trained to spot pollution incidents no matter how small. However, we need eyes and ears everywhere. If you see something that you think might be a pollution get in touch on 0330 303 0368 – together, we can protect and improve the environment.

Find out more about pollution reporting in your region (West Sussex, East Sussex, Kent and Hampshire).



Our environmental performance

We're committed to providing greater transparency about our environmental performance – including our latest performance data, alongside information about what we're doing to improve. Find out more about our environmental performance.