Bringing colour and inspiration into people's lives

December 2020

Daryl Bennett (Sinna One)
Street Artist

I was intrigued when Southern Water asked me to create a large scale mural on the wall of a forgotten pumping station covered in graffiti.

I wanted to transform the dark and dirty space with colour and also tell a story about where we get our water from in Sussex.

Using a signature abstract colour pattern work I set to designing a mural that represents the chalk downs and cliffs across Sussex, the aquifers that hold the chalk filtered water, the wildlife and our relationship with all of this.

Whilst painting the mural I received a multitude of positive comments from passers by and there was an overwhelming consensus that it cheered up the space and was a welcome addition to the local community.

In all of my years creating street art, the best compliment is that it makes people happy.

Creating art in neglected public spaces means that you can instantly bring colour and inspiration into people's lives.